Thursday, March 5, 2020

Fall in France French Vocabulary for Fall

Fall in France French Vocabulary for Fall Sign up successful If you ever find yourself traveling to France during this period, it might seem like the country is empty and shut down. Thats because this month is used to travel far away, or even just a few hundred kilometers to the south of France, where one can relax and unwind from the stress of work, school, and everyday life. One of the benefits of learning French is to be able to move to France and experience this for yourself! A Bountiful Harvest The end of summer and the beginning of fall in France also brings about a very beautiful and bountiful time. Between the end of August and the end of September, vineyards all over the country are loaded with grapes ripe for the picking. During this time, you can see tractors and trucks rolling through the small villages of the beautiful French countryside. Theyre full of freshly-picked grapes which are then carted off to be fermented and turned into wine. This period of time is called les vendanges (the grape harvest) and it can be a very stressful time for winemakers as they try their best to pick grapes at their peak (thus, resulting in great wines). The Beginning of Fall But like all good things, les grandes vacances have to end. September 1st has come and gone and everyone is back to school or work; the daily grind. Les fermiers (farmers) go back to their fields for harvest, les travailleurs (workers) go back to work, and les enseignants et les écoliers (teachers and students) go back to school. Est-ce que vous avez le cafard (are you feeling down â€" literally translated as, Do you have the cockroach?) because its the end of summer? If so, heres some fun fall vocabulary to get you through la rentrée.  Dont worry about mastering pronunciation yet just try them out! French Vocabulary for Fall 1)  La rentrée The start of the school year. 2)  Un pull That comfy, cozy thing you wrap yourself up in during fall a sweater! 3)  L’automne Whether you call it autumn or call it fall, it’s the season after summer (l’été). 4)  Une feuille A leaf. 5)  Changement de couleur des feuilles The changing colors of leaves from vertes (green) to rouges (red), marrons (brown), oranges (orange), et jaunes (yellow). 6)  Les feuilles sèches/ les feuilles mortes After the leaves turn colors and fall off the tree they become dead leaves (which are always fun to crunch). 7)  La récolte, la moisson These are the harvests of fruits, vegetables, and grains. 8)  Un ratêau A rake for all those falling leaves. The verb, to rake, is ratisser. 9)  Le potiron, la citrouille Used in pies, Jack-o-Lanterns, and Cinderella’s carriage this would be a pumpkin! 10)  L’épouvantail This is a scarecrow for scaring crows, of course! There you have it lots of French vocab to practice and master! Having a conversation in French and throwing in these words is another great way to practice. If you struggle with the pronunciation or general understanding of the language, I recommend taking lessons with an excellent  French teacher. Having private instruction is the quickest way you can improve your French skills. Be sure to try some of these words out this  fall! Post Author:  Mikayla S. Mikayla teaches many subjects, inlcuding French, European History, and World History. She has been speaking French for over a decade and recently earned her bachelors degree of French and Francophone Studies at San Diego State University.  Learn more about Mikayla here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

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